Sunday 2 March 2014

The point of life

It's going to be an obvious let-down for those expecting some fireworks, hollywood ending or religious salvation because my conclusion is simply: learning.

Some adults think children were meant to learn from us. They do imitate us so if we act like we know everything, they will be influenced to think it is possible to stop learning. Human nature is afraid of the unknown because if taking risks gave us negative results, we learn to fear risks.

School may be boring to many so learning is often associated with lack of fun. The Japanese chose the kanji 勉強 [benkyou] which is used to mean study. The characters can also mean forcing something to happen. Many will not learn unless forced perhaps.

When something bad happens and we can learn from it or just take it as fate. Companies, countries or any group of people can also learn from each other or just accept we are divided with no common ground. Actually genetics tells us we are all the same but humans tend to look at the differences and learn to exaggerate the significance. Somehow, color, accent,  clothes, the width of you face, symmetry or asymmetry and any number of preconceived notions of separation become imagined barriers impossible to overcome. Perhaps the only real barrier to our working together easily is language but even that can be learned.

The point of life is to learn how to live with our neighbors. Be it a family, a church, club, business, just 2 friends, a visit to the store.... It's not easy and that's the point. Why else are we given the invaluable privilege of living on our blue sphere of life in a vast universe of darkness, silence and violence?

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