Wednesday 20 March 2013

Real grown-up child-like magic

Kids like to believe in magic. Grown-ups have outgrown such childishness. Or have we?

I think we need magic in our lives. Of course make believe can be escapist and dark. If it's about manipulation of people, it is the source of evil. But magic that sets those we love free and we base it on commitment, is grown up and a far cry from the Cinderella ball and gown. Even in that fairy tale, the real magic is that the prince fell in love with her, went looking all over for her and still wanted her when she was in rags.

We have to look for magic or we die. The difference for grown-ups is we must first learn to give unconditional love for someone. This can be grueling but always life giving. If you make it through the death to yourself, magic comes back.

The seemingly childish make believe that adds games, hope, adventure and magic to otherwise mundane things must continue. For the end of dreams and passion is the beginning of dying.

We can't escape our bodies expiring but we can avoid a slow death of hopeless compromises. Building our fortress may seem secure and wise to some but if the walls in our lives keep out the magic in life... Well, I've actually seen people die from losing their dreams.

Why settle for the daily grind attitude and avoid seeking the moments that inspire? For life itself is a delicate combination of circumstances that make use of violent nuclear fusion in the Sun (that could melt us in an instant) to shine in our sky becoming the source of energy on the earth and sustains the life of a baby whose gentle smile and touch melts our hearts. Magic!

I believe we can make magic in life. Maybe it begins with music and lights. And continues with passion and dreams. But it always involves the people we love. Finding them is magic.

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