Friday 18 April 2014

A Priori Easter

History channel has a program discussing the proof of God's existence.  A lot of it seeks "supernatural miracles" that are different from known scientific principles. The world is full of holy sites, testimonies and books about God. Have you noticed that just about everyone assumes there is no God as the starting point (or A Priori) so that somehow he needs a lot of help to exist and be proven?

Imagine if we have to do that to our life partner: assume there is no love and that I do not exist. So everyday, we go through rituals like dates, sex, romance, pouting, gifts... just to prove we are life partners. A successful marriage must be A Priori that the union is valid, that all parties exist and that there is love of some kind. All the aforementioned rites would then be ways to deepen the union.

So there is no relationship when you have to prove existence just because it is assumed God does not exist.

I am not saying the celebrations are wrong. But they are just empty rituals if it is assumed the events are proving something instead of building on intimacy. So is Easter proof of God or His ultimate act of love? Another way to put it would be "He ain't trying to impress nobody".

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