Monday 21 April 2014

Home is about "how"

A Chinese waiter in his 60's said while chatting, "I don't know much. Just leave home each day for work and shop on the way...." Nothing special but it made me realize the whole statement was about home. The restaurant is older than me and the staff has not changed much at all. I think he is contented with his home (which is the flat, the journey and the work) because he smiled when saying it.

We all have our dream house and family. Some like to have a big one, some want to be single with many possible variations. There is a lot of dissent about what is a traditional family and how it's destruction is hurting our children. On the face of it, many believe in a romanticized image of what it means. I won't go into it because traditions vary.

But one thing is common, the quality of the home and family is the key. How we treat each other is more important than the schedules, who is there, who is not and definitely not how much is spent. Affairs and lies, manipulation and lies, saving face above honesty, rituals without enjoyment, things above people, career above all else, ignoring those we love.... all destroy more than what a family looks like.

For home is really a matter of the heart. But in our world, far too much value is placed on how much, how many, how long and not really on just how the home becomes a place of refuge, rest, love and personal growth.

Ruben Studdard does "I wanna go home" sings out our longing for home.

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