Thursday 28 February 2013

Politics of safety, love and sex

Security is the abstract source of life. Besides the obvious things like food and shelter, security is the most basic element that affect how we live and love. Without it, real life and real love are not possible. And by extension sex and therefore family.

If you look at any of these things: safety, life, love and sex in terms of mechanistic transactions, they become objects of power and money. The true value of each is lost in the political confusion that ensues. It's easy to try to fix the outcome rather than the source of the problem: security.

Survival leads us to build fortresses that block out the world thinking we are safe. But true security comes from within and frees us to find truth in people, life and love. So if your fortress is built on nothing but money based relationships, the fortress is a house of cards that will fall when the money runs dry.

My security has more to do with infinity and zero and God. I lost it for a while because bad things happened to me and I became obsessed with finding the obvious outward solutions. But the problems were beyond my abilities to control them. I guess I was trying to find political solutions for my life based on the money, sex and power.

I finally realized that to focus on the outcomes and building my life based on them was the wrong way to find security. It must all start with security. I must feel at home with having nothing and no one to find the most basic thing the makes me feel safe. Once I know. I am free to build fruitful relationships by making choices that matter based on lasting values. Even better, I find myself embracing the world instead of trying to keep it out.

Once the important links to other people exist, I am free to build a secure loving life. By extension sex and family. Maybe I'll even love my work.

Focus on the mechanics of anything, they become reduced to politics. I'm feeling so secure because I know who to trust now.

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