Monday 15 July 2013


This song may sound trivial with a "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" beat and innocent lyrics. I feel this safety in a deep deep way as my down time has brought me back to the confidence that pushed me forward in life.

Atheism is a religion just like all others because it chooses to believe in a God who is not there. Don't shoot me yet. Even Science assumes there is a system that governs the Universe because there is no need to research something without any order or repeatable events. It's just that the concept of God most people hold is neither here nor there.

If our lives are indeed against all odds in that the hostile Universe has provided a pocket of pure life sustaining balance on our blue planet and our stupid human race can find meaning to celebrate life through culture and innovation... I say there is a God. Most religions and those who go to temples want a lesser God who allows suffering and cannot control us. He is to be appeased and feared.

Well if you see how life is like winning a lottery of existence in a mostly barren violent yet beautiful Universe... how does a fearful God who wants to destroy us at every turn make sense? If he is so terrible (or if the Universe is completely random for the Atheists), there is no basis for Science, Philosophy, Society and the many other concepts on which our cultures are based. No matter how primitive or sophisticated any group are, people order themselves using abstract concepts that animals seem incapable of. We have figured out how to create some order out of chaos.

I can't prove God. I just see evidence of safety, progress, love, hope, celebration even in the darkest moment. If you look at any picture of our earth in the black expanse of Space, I see life on this beautiful earth. You can choose to see just the darkness of Space all you want and ask how can God make that. Or just assume we appeared purely from chance. It's up to you.

It does not change the fact that life is a miracle (or winning a lottery against all odds) and I feel the celebration of this simple innocent song with new hope out of the darkness of circumstance. For me God is either there or not and all the fear that he wants to destroy us, just does not sit well with the fact that we were born from nothing yet have the opportunity to live a full life. If I were God why bother making beauty only to destroy it? And I am just a stupid man who will die.

I feel safe and I know where my confidence comes from. This song celebrates this safety and love I feel.

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