Wednesday 8 May 2013

No cares, no debt

Worrying and caring are different. In Chinese 擔心 (worry) implies carrying a burden in the heart which sounds good but not when it adds to the problem. In nature and technology it's all or nothing, 1 or 0. But debt implies negative value and that it needs to be made up. This concept is useful only if the indebted party has funds to repay.

We were born with nothing and will die with nothing. What we own today will be left behind. So in reality, we are all just borrowing what we have. Yet so many run life as if we can demand favors and repayment and call the past into account. So and so did this to me so I need to pay them back or withhold something because they are now out of favor.

I think life is more about all or nothing, 1 or 0 (as in the digital logic for computing) and the concept of the sparrow. Religion aside, the sparrow is constantly eating, flying and being hunted. It doesn't know how to worry, yet lives. This shows that life is a gift to be embraced without worrying about tomorrow and definitely not debt which is more like negative value linked to the past. Nothing can compensate for time and opportunity lost even if you can repay with money.

To understand why life seems too daunting, complicated and depressing, I think it has to do with worrying about losing something or owing something. A better way is to see what we have at this very moment is a gift to be used well. Win or lose, we learn and have fun on the way. Hold on the a debt laden past (whether it is debt you owe or owed to you) and you miss the joy of living like the sparrow which we resemble. If you have nothing like the sparrow, there are no cares and no debt.

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