Friday 31 May 2013

Something out of nothing.

A cliche geek test is if I like Star-trek. One of my most memorable is the contest between Kirk and Gorn (the lizard head man). Not for the violent end but how the desert landscape seemed to contain nothing of value and yet they both made weapons. Again, it's not the violence but the ingenuity that impressed me.

I was really young then (maybe 5?) but the story kind of haunts me. I felt the desperation of trying to find an answer or be killed. The seeking of answers out of "nothing" is the best part of being a geek.

There are bad answers like a bomb or knife which were what the story was about. But I saw that good technology is made of the same substance. A nuclear bomb has the same technology of our primitive fission nuclear power stations. Though people fear the fallout of an accident like we fear falling out of the sky in a plane, yet I wonder how many anti-nuclear power activists refuse to fly. But that's a discussion for another day.

I'm not perfect and do not have pure intentions that will benefit all humans. For like any crowd, some will like it (or me) and others will not. Yet we can all try our best to find answers from balance, resourcefulness and creativity.

This is the key to successful technology and their use. Many non-geeks simply are just impatient when facing technology. We geeks like to tinker and make what we have work. Unfortunately like any business, book, art, fashion, game, apps, fame or any human creation the things that become popular (and profitable) are rare. It's easy to criticize productions which seem weird (the stereo type for us), especially when you are not the one seeking the answer.

I love to find the finesse and beauty of a creation that works. That's the good part of being technology and content obsessed. I'm one of the rarer type of geek who cares about what image they project (marketing). For me, all it means is finding ways to maximize the image my face, personality and body projects using good habits (like diet, exercise, sleep...) and enjoying my surroundings (like home, clothes and gadgets). For products or services, the same goals apply.

This will sound boring to some. But my waterproof mp3 head phones are a good example. I need it to help make 5 hours of swimming a week more enjoyable. But it took over a month for me to learn how to use it in the water so the music pipes into my ear-drums without water seeping in to muddle the sound. It's not easy and many online reviewers could not do it. Maybe a speaker piping sound through the cheek bones would be good. I'll give them a try. But I just don't like the design of the current model.

I enjoy the swimming, the music and the working out of how to use it in the water. The technology makes it fun to become fit. If you have read this entry up to this point, the chances are you are a geek too. ;-)

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