Thursday 9 January 2014

Amazing simplicity

Listen to popular interviews, product announcements and just normal conversations even and words like amazing, incredible, awesome, unbelievable, flagship, brilliant... They are good words. But how many things can be superlative all at once?

Maybe the original good, better and best deserves a comeback because "finally" is much easier to say and write then "at the end of the day".

Fashionable inflated adjectives and other descriptions come and go but the amazing simplicity I seek is more important. I think I forgot my true passion in life. It's the one thing that drives me to near crazy addictive persistence. So many things have diluted and clouded my view: cares, schedules, institutions, clubs, family, limitations, cultures, laws, norms, fashion... really all definitions we use to regulate our lives.

Though these tools for order and conformity are useful, they can impede our harmless ambitions and put out a fire that pushes us to dance, sing, embrace and grow. I remember seeing it in eyes of a rebellious teenage friend whom I met again after University to see the fire extinguished. She is happy with  her family and children I think. 

My fire almost went out too. And I am still trying to see the spark that started it. My passion for life is back and I'm trying to see the "big bang" event that started me off to love instead of just being curious and obedient.

This "one thing" will be amazingly simple. But there are still a few distortions in the way of my view. I yearn to see this amazing simplicity.

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