Saturday 25 January 2014

Why music and lights

Things that are so "commoditized" and even free, are perhaps both the simplest and complicated tools for our well-being. Light is everywhere. The cycle of natural light runs the our lives. Deprivation of light can cause health problems but too much light can also blind us. In Physics, light is both a wave and separate photons. It's speed is thought to be absolute even though you can slow it down. A mystery.

Music is just an arrangement of sounds. It started with folk or societal music but after many years of commercialization, it is now something we buy and sell. But think about what music is and we wonder why the technical, sonic and literary aspects plus the way it is performed and heard can cause emotions much deeper than the sum of all the parts. And each person can have a different response to the same music.

Just because they are taken for granted and the media technology has overexposed great images and beautiful sounds, maybe we have become numb to the reality of the art. The use of music and light is basically music videos, movies and live performances. 3D came and went so fast and we are now facing 4K (4 times the resolution of HD). Unlimited and pervasive digital bandwidth is assumed so we can see and hear all this quality everywhere, anytime.

Yes, I geeked out in the last paragraph. But that's the point. It's like when High Fidelity (Hi-Fi, which the spell checker no longer recognize) music used to be the goal of sound systems where the technology and equipment can overtake the focus on the art of music, images can also take the focus off the quality of music. Great sounding music is not necessarily great music. For instance sexy images are often used to numb us to mediocre or bad music.

For me, the simplicity of light and sounds that can stir the soul. That's the point! And I'm rediscovering this everywhere. I'm finally singing a new song.

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