Monday 6 January 2014

Contented cows and other animals

One of my favourite childhood books is "My family and other animals". It's a funny look at animals and their relationship with humans. The blog entry title comes from a tag line on some Carnation milk products, "from contented cows".

Contentment seems less than being happy in English but in many Latin languages they are used more often to mean the same thing. I'm learning again to be content and free to be me. 

Today feels like spring in Hong Kong and I marveled at the seemingly quick short winter. It reminded me of another book title "The Winter of our Discontent" by John Steinbeck whose "East of Eden" is another of my favorite books.

Despite the Arctic winter cold in some places and other cold spells here my personal winter seems to be finally over. And I'm finding contentment again.  With it, I hold on to those who love me. 

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