Tuesday 21 January 2014

No apologies

I'm generally known to be a nice guy. Someone described me as mild when I was a teenager. It's just an image people hold of me because I often smile, have a big head and wide face. In college a friend thought I looked like the laughing Buddha. That was before I put on 80 pounds to become the chubby professional who attracted too much attention when I visited Hanoi. People all over would stare at the bald fat guy and shout out Buddha. One guy on a bicycle literally ran into a lamp post because he was too busy looking at the living Buddha... 

Even when I was 100 pounds over weight, I did not look down at myself except for the natural discomfort of having too much fat and weight. Now even this albatross is gone along with a lot of bad habits, prejudices, bad memories, false trophies and much more depressing stuff like that. (Click to hear the sassy old bad ass song).

Yet there was nothing wrong with most of what I did. It was how I handled the result or was handled. Being a nice guy, I actually do not mind being criticized. But don't expect I'll take it lying down with no reaction. Even if I get angry, I actually think about what is being said (after filtering out the mindless ones).

What I learned is that I can apologize for hurting someone even if I did not intend to, but I will not apologize for being myself.

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