Saturday 4 January 2014

The mystery of friends

Facebook has systematized friendships for the masses but for me, it brings me no closer to solving the mystery of friends. I'm not talking about the company of friends and those we know better than the strangers we see everywhere. I need that as we all do. Any contact with another person makes us who we are.

Yet, I think we all know we are alone even when we are with our soul mate because it is not possible to fully be someone else and share our vision, our feelings, thought, fears, hopes, love, hate, our mind, body and soul. The mystery for me comes down to a book called "Why am I afraid to tell you who I am." It was cool for the time but the images will seem outdated now.

The question is still there each day facing all of us. I posted a song by a french singer whose famous song ended with the small voice inside us who tells us we are alone. 

Most people will do anything but face that feeling. Even my little 4 year old niece said in her innocence that she'll never be by herself. It's something a busy schedule and obligations seems to cover over. I believe we are all afraid of knowing we are really alone. Perhaps that is the most frightening thing about death. Maybe even the mundane feeling of being bored has to do with the fear of loneliness. 

I always wanted a friend to share everything in my life as soon as I discovered boredom. I remember asking my parents why I would enjoy playing with a toy one day and not the next but maybe later like it again. I don't recall any response.

A new song I'm listening to is my own answer. They sing about Jesus being "your friend" like an advertisement and it's easy to dismiss it as simple or even silly. All the controversy surrounding Jesus is not my point.

I just want to ask why so many do not seem to want a friend to share all of life so I do not have to walk alone? I don't think many get far enough to ask why be afraid to tell others who we really are. I wrote in my last entry how I cried out in the darkness in complete despair, fully aware of my desolation, loneliness and helplessness only to hear a response. 

This is a mystery and it is why we exist.

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