Monday 29 April 2013

Sojourner adventurer

Backpacking in Europe, India or any place far away is a good experience because it's about discovery and adventure. I did travel during University but not the whirlwind a city a day kind. I preferred to know a place by going back to the cities I liked and wander. I recently got to see India, Korea, China, Turkey and a little of the middle east.
During the recent down years, I stayed put in Hong Kong except to visit family in places I already knew. I guess I forgot about the adventure of traveling. There was depression and sickness involved so I felt kind of trapped. It's easy to continue feeling oppressed and powerless. After all most people just make do and try to be satisfied with their "lot in life". I wonder who decides what to dish out and why we have no say...
Recently I heard about some union jobs that are maintained as bargaining chips but are totally redundant. In other words, you go to work and do nothing. You must show up, stay put and read the newspaper. A recipe for alcoholism for sure. Though this is an extreme case, I think the mind set of feeling unneeded and trapped is very common.
I had it when I simply wake up and just made do everyday. I asked silently what am I going to do today and the day after? Surviving is necessary. But how much of this mind set is solving a real problem? Are we starving if we do not hold on to some job or work? Do I have unfulfilled dreams? Or am I working to put up some front or image I think others want to see? Who trapped me?
If I am my own jailer, then who's stopping me from dreaming, wandering, discovering and living life adventurously? So to solve this real problem, I want to be a visitor, sojourner instead of a permanent resident thinking my house and home are my castle. No castles, no fortresses but an open door to welcome friends.
What about safety? After what I've been through, I am still safe. Risk, winning, losing, running, falling, learning... isn't that the adventure we were born to live? I want to be a sojourner and adventurer.

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